A web application which enable users to quickly and easily compile C, C++, and Rust code into WebAssembly modules from within their browser. Features an editor with real time syntax highlighting, server-side compilation, and a window that displays the output.
Personal implementation of MIT's JOS operating system. Major components include functions for booting, virtual memory, paging, division of kernel/user space execution privileges, user environments, processes, and preemptive multitasking.
Final project for CS492: Mobile Development. A mobile app built with the Flutter SDK that enables coffee shop employees to document daily food waste in the form of "posts" consisting of a photo, number of leftover items, the current date, and the location of the device when the post is created.
Personal website used for showcasing portfolio of projects and photography. Includes usage of NodeJS and Express to handle requests, querying a PostgreSQL database, and templatized pages with Handlebars.JS, among others.